Thursday, June 10, 2010

Warm-Ups... Mobility & Stretching

Warm-ups are a time to prepare the body for the demands of that day's training session. There isn't one "right" warm-up or stretching routine. Some people think that static stretching (holding a stretch for 15 seconds or longer) is a must, while others believe that it's counterproductive. Some have well thought out movement progressions while others just tighten their belt and go.

No matter what your personal routine looks like, there are 3 key areas that need to be addressed to keep you performing at your best: Ankle mobility, hip mobility, and t-spine mobility. These areas are so important because the health of our knees and low back are largely determined by what the joints above and below them are doing. If you have limited motion in your hips, you will find that either your knees or your low back end up compensating.

In our next post, we'll give you a couple quick exercises that will get your blood pumping and keep those key area moving and grooving in whatever style warm-up you choose.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Nutrition - Avoid Toxins

Another huge rock of nutrition is avoiding toxins. Most people are so focused on adding supplements to their diets to make them healthier, they forget the famous quote: "If you find yourself in a hole, the 1st thing you should do is stop digging". If you have high cholesterol, instead of seeking out medication, first look at what you are putting into your body that might be causing it. Health is determined as much by what don't put in your body as what you do. Here are 3 quick things you can do to make a huge impact on the way you feel & look. Choose 1 option and see if you can do it for the next month.

1. Can the soda pop. This is a silent killer. My brother stopped drinking pop and lost 20lbs! I believe the diet soda is even worse than regular. At least regular pop has real sugar instead of processed chemicals that I can't pronounce.

2. Pass on the bread. Although grains are considered healthy by most people, the bread that we eat has little nutritional value and causes blood sugars to spike which leads to weight gain. Instead of having bread, add more fruit and vegetables to get your carbohydrates.

3. Don't save room for dessert. Dessert is meant to be a once in a while treat, not something you have everyday. Focus on fueling your body with high quality plants, meats, nuts & seeds. And if you need something sweet, there's nothing better than fresh fruit.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nutrition - Eat Real Food

Another one of our favorite nutrition principles is that when you have the option, eat real food. What do we consider real food? Vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs, nuts & seeds. Basically, anything that has only 1 ingredient. The moment you take a whole food off your plate and replace it with a processed food, the nutritional value of your meal declines. Real food is perfectly packaged with all the nutrients in all the right ratios for optimum health & performance. How you can argue with Mother Nature? I sure wouldn't :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nutrition - 80/20

Our training staff has been on a mission to find the truths and principles that underly the most popular nutrition fads out today. After reading books like Thrive, Primal Blueprint, Metabolism Advantage and The China Study, we've come up with a list of guidelines to follow.

My favorite nugget that I've taken out of this is the 80/20 principle. This simply states that we need to eat whole foods 80% of the time and enjoy the 20% of the time when we decide to treat ourselves. Realizing that there is no such thing as having 100% perfect nutrition, we shouldn't make having a treat worse for us by feeling guilty about it. As long as the bulk of your calories come from nutritionaly dense, whole foods, you should enjoy every last bite of your favorite ice cream... as long as it's only 20% of the time :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

John's Everest Workout

I hope life is treating you well! Thanks so much for the books - That was really thoughtful and I'm excited to learn. Here is a quick video of a workout to get you started on your Everest journey. It's been fun getting to know you and I'm looking forward to helping you reach new heights :)

- Mike

Friday, October 30, 2009

Training Female Athletes

At Udistrict we train a lot of high school top level male athletes, at the same time we also train a lot of top high school female athletes. With athletes that are at the top of their class you never want to hold back. Here's a video of a very good sophomore basketball player doing the same vertical jump challenge from a couple posts below. We started with the cone at 24" and built it up to a height that was the highest she could clear at 38".

So the story here is, if you are training a good athlete, don't hold back and find ways of challenging them every day.

Jumping 38" or 3' 2"

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3D Med Ball for Throwing

Here is a Med Ball throwing sequence that can be used to increase throwing velocity. The idea is to create power by sequencing movements instead of isolating muscles. Make sure you repeat the throws on the opposite side.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pushing the Limits in Jumping

At Udistrict we try to push the limits of athletes.

Here are some video's of a couple incredible athletes that trained with us, and to push the limits of their jumping height we set up a box with a couple cones on them with a stick at the top. The final height is 60" or 5' and proof is shown in the profile pic of how high it is, where they are standing next to it.

Working on full explosion here they are Clearing the 5' height with some room to spare

Monday, June 8, 2009

3D Bridge Legs

Complete :10 in each plane twice. The total time in the 3D bridge should be 1:00 (:10 X 3 X 2)

3D Bridge - Arms

Complete :10 in the sagittal plane, :10 in the frontal plane & :10 with rotation and then repeat. The total time spent in the 3D bridge should be 1:00 per set.

Cable Upright Rows

Make sure you use your legs to generate power for the Row

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Whitworth Basketball Summer Training

Fellas - I'm excited to see the gains you make this summer. Here is some quick video of the new exercises. This is a clip of the 3D Bound. Believe that every rep is preparing you for that one defining moment in your career... because it is. Nilson

DB Snatch

Let's start out using a light weight and just work on the form. Make the DB weightless by using the power in your hips. This is a great exercise for increasing your vertical leap and shoulder stability.

Squat Matrix

Perform 3 reps of each position

X Jumps

The keys are how far you can jump and how quick you can get off the ground.

3D Hamstring Stretch

Make sure your back toe is facing forward!

Horizontal Box Out

Here's a great Basketball Specific Exercise designed to strengthen your shoulders and back.

Monday, April 13, 2009

We are open!

We just wanted to let everyone know we are now fully up and running! Thanks for your patience. Let the training, soccer, football, and madness begin. See you around.

The Staff